Vida/SIDA learns about Self-Care and Social Media

by Kevin Garcia, Program Coordinator for UIC Integrated PASEO

Last week on July 19th and 20th, Vida/SIDA was able to partake in a two day workshop that was provided by the National Community Health Partners (NCHP). Michael Sandoval, who was the instructor for the workshop, gave a lot information and feedback regarding how to care for oneself in and out of the community health workplace. He delved into how to handle stress and to balance professional work with personal life. The following day, Sandoval discussed how to use social media as a tool for the community and how to become more familiar with it. He mentioned how social media could help learn about certain “lingo” communities use or other things that would be considered the norm. Employees from Vida/SIDA responded well to the workshops and were engaged with asking good questions and participating in all the activities. Paisley Williams, Program Coordinator for Vida/SIDA and the person in charge of making this workshop happen, hopes to continue workshops like this in the future and hopes all other staff from the Puerto Rican Cultural Center will participate.
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