2 Weeks Left to Sign Up! CAN-TV Features PRCC-ACA in Putting People First Series as March Deadline Gets Closer


Recently, Leslie Rodriguez and Mayra Estrella, In Person Navigator and Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center-Affordable Care Act program, filmed a PSA at CAN-TV Studios. Watch them below and sign up for coverage now!

Puerto Rican Cultural Center - Affordable Care Act Deadline
Spanish PSA-Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Affordable Care Act Deadline

El Centro Cultural Puertorriqueño está ofreciendo servicios de educación e inscripción para ayudar a los latinos encontrar un seguro medico a través de la ley de cobertura de Salud o Obamacare. Todos los servicios son gratuitos. El periodo de inscripción termina el 31 de marzo. Evite la penalidad. Para obtener mas información acerca de nuestros servicios puede llamar a nuestra oficina al 773-227-7794. “Putting People First” es un servicio comunitario de Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

English PSA- Puerto Rican Cultural Center - Affordable Care Act Deadline
English PSA- Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Affordable Care Act Deadline

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center is offering education and enrollment services through the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. Obtaining healthcare is a federal law and the deadline is approaching. Avoid the penalty and enroll by March 31st. For more information, please call (773) 227-7794. “Putting People First” is a community service of Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).

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