Nuestro Bello Barrio


One of the many PRCC efforts are geared at challenging gentrification and preventing the displacement of Chicago’s oldest Puerto Rican community. We hope to engage longtime residents in a serious dialogue meant to insert them into the process of building the future of Humboldt Park. 

An initiative of the Juan Antonio Corretjer Puerto Rican Cultural Center, “Nuestro Bello Barrio” a 42-year community organization, was developed in response to the lack of educational resources on gentrification and how residents of the Humboldt Park community can resist it. The campaign, an occasional artistic effort that began in 2007, has therefore began to conduct community surveys, host educational events, provided housing resources to residents, and disseminate through multiple media outlets (especially in La Voz del Paseo Boricua newspaper) truthful and hopeful views of Paseo Boricua-Humboldt Park.

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