BACCA Mentor and HS Activist Earns Spot in Chicago Metro HS Regional History Fair

By Diana Castillo, National Boricua Human Rights Network

Congratulations to BACCA youth mentor Mia Espinosa, a high school junior student at George Westinghouse College Prep, who’s earned a coveted spot in the Chicago Metro High School Regional History Fair. The fair seeks to encourage young people to explore Chicago’s history through performances, documentaries, exhibits, research papers and websites. Mia’s research paper-Chicago’s Puerto Rican Independence Movement and the FBI-takes in depth look at FBI tactics to discredit the movement to prevent it from developing supporters who challenged U.S. authority in Puerto Rico.

As a young Puerto Rican activist, Mia is not completely foreign to the history of the Puerto Rican movement in Chicago, but wanted to get more in depth knowledge of her own history and community. Mia has been able to expose her peers and teachers and has the opportunity of reaching an even larger audience in the City of Chicago. Mia’s achievement as a young researcher invites other young people to inquire and question the history of their own communities.

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