Alternative Gifts International Organization Donates to El Rescate

This week El Rescate Transitional Living Program want to share our gratitude to Alternative Gifts International Organization for continuing supporting our youth.
“El Rescate Transitional Living Program  depends  greatly on community partnerships to be able to do what we do, particularly at this time, given the State of Illinois budget impasse.This week we received a wonderful visit from Mr.Tony Princ, Executive Director of  Alternative Gifts  International  which is a non-profit organization, that inspires support for humanitarian and environmental causes. They  offer donors the option to designate charitable gifts through carefully selected agencies in the name of their relatives, friends and associates. Mr. Princ was accompanied by Mr. Brainmah, Tim a Scholar On Sexual Orientation Issues affecting Refugees. On their visit to our facility(Program) we were presented with a kind hearted donation. And on behalf of El Rescate Transitional Living Program resident’s and staff I would to like express our gratitude to Alternative Gifts International Organization for continuing  supporting our youth.”
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