Do you know about El Rescate Basic Center yet?

by El Rescate
The Puerto Rican Cultural Center is proud to introduce one of its newest program initiatives: The El Rescate Basic Center Program. This new program represents an expansion of our existing El Rescate umbrella services aimed at homeless youth.  The Basic Center focuses on serving Latino and African American LGBTQ youth who are 12 to 18 years of age and helps connect them with temporary shelter*, health insurance coverage, educational and vocational opportunities, job readiness, social and relational skills, mental health resources, and recreational programming.  All of our services are confidential and youth oriented and focused.
El Rescate Basic Center provides case management services and works with qualifying youth for housing and long-term support so that they may thrive and succeed in their life paths. Our bilingual team is there to facilitate programs that will help youth explore their options, develop needed self-care skills and activate their potential and creativity through the freedom of expression and within an accepting, understanding, and supportive environment.  El Rescate Basic Center proudly operates out of the historical Humboldt Park community reaching out to youth throughout Chicagoland area.
If you or anyone you know is in need of our services, or to learn more about us please call  (872)829-2654.
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