About UIC-Integrated PASEO


Message from the Program Coordinator, Kevin García


“I am excited to introduce our newly acquired UIC Integrated PASEO grant. African Americans and Latinos have less access to health care, on average, and are at higher risk for HIV/ STI transmission and substance abuse issues. We look forward to engaging in outreach and raising HIV/STI awareness in these underserved communities in Chicago.”

Integrated PASEO (Promoting Actions that support prevention and recovery through Services, Education, and Outreach) is a program that is has collaboration between University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Vida/SIDA that will expand co-located, evidence-based behavioral health. The focus in on HIV and hepatitis prevention and treatment services for at-risk Hispanic/Latino and African American young adults between 18 and 24 years of age who attend, a Minority Serving Institution, The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and/or live in surrounding campus communities.

Vida/SIDA is experienced in providing a variety of culturally health and social services to African American and Latino/Hispanic populations as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals (LGBT), young adults, drug users, individuals with substance use, mental disorders, and are living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS.

Our bilingual Spanish-English team creates personalized health plans for each client including specialized service referrals, to instill a proper level of care and treatment. Seeking Safety (SS) is a present-focused treatment for treating persons overcoming mental illness and/or substance abuse. It focuses on coping skills and psycho-education. These services will be  offered in collaboration with an established community partner, Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) -Vida/SIDA.

2736 W Division St.

Latest News from UIC – Integrated Paseo

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