Coalition for Oscar López’ freedom announced

The new entity will redouble efforts in the United States to win his release


As part of the continuous efforts to win Oscar López Rivera’s release, several organizations and leaders of diverse sectors of Puerto Rico came together in a coalition that will accentuate its actions in the United States with the hope that president Barack Obama will finally grant a presidential pardon before he leaves office.


The Coalition for the Freedom of Oscar López Rivera “has the mission of making itself heard by Obama, and we are confident he will not disappoint us,” said former secretary of state and chair of the new coalition, Ingrid Vila Biaggi, in a press release.


“It is crucial that Obama understands that Oscar is not alone, and that we are not going to rest until we bring him back to his homeland,” she affirmed.


The executive board of this coalition is comprised of Vila Biaggi; the president of the Puerto Rico Bar Association, Mark Anthony Bimbela; the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz; Fernando Cabanillas, spokesperson for 32 x Oscar; Eduardo Villanueva, spokesperson for the Comité Pro Derechos Humanos; Noel Colón, past president of the Puerto Rico Bar Association; Florencio Merced and Madeline Ramírez, public relations professionals, and Clarisa López, López Rivera’s daughter.


The Coalition for the Freedom of Oscar López Rivera will coordinate activities with sectors active in this struggle in the United States and Puerto Rico. These efforts will culminate on Sunday, October 9, with a mass activity under the theme, “Free Oscar Lopez Now, The Event,” in Washington, D.C.


According to Vila Biaggi, the new entity will communicate its plans and efforts on the website On the website, people can also make donations to help pay the costs of putting on and promoting the culminating event in October.


“This new space on the internet is key to keep communicating about Oscar López’ case outside of Puerto Rico,” the chair of the Coalition stressed.


López Rivera, 73 years old, is serving a 70 year sentence in a federal prison for seditious conspiracy, but he is not connected to any violent act. He recently marked the 35th anniversary of his arrest.


According to Vila Biaggi, he has spent more time in prison than the deceased anti-apartheid leader and former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela.


To donate, interested people can go to They can also follow these efforts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


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