Fashion Show to help El Rescate


Dear Community Member, CALOR would like to formally invite you to “Fashion: Elements of Fierce.” Join us for a FASHION SHOW with art, performances and community. All the ticket proceeds of this event will be donated to two community organizations: United Latinx Pride and El Rescate.

El Rescate, an initiative of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, provides identity-affirming transitional housing to homeless LGBTQ youth and support services to assist with transition to independence. United Latinx Pride is a group of individual community members, organizations and businesses that identify as Latinx LGBTQQIA and allies formed to meet the need to educate and celebrate who we are as community.

The event will be held on November 18th at the Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center (4046 W Armitage Ave.) from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M.This show is being made possible by local organizers and fashion artists. The original designs and costumes have been created by individual designers and community efforts.  The community organizers have been meeting weekly in an effort to provide you with this show that you will not forget! We hope to see your presence in an effort to unite and celebrate unity.

All ticket and event information is available on the Eventbrite link below. Official Flyer and theme will be announced this Friday.

If you are interested in sponsoring/donating, tabling, or volunteering (modeling, designing, performing, or volunteering) please fill out our form below.

Thank you in advance for your interest. We hope to see you on November 18th.


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