20 Small Business Owners Attend DSBDA Networking Event and Business meeting


Some 20 small business owners, entrepreneurs and organization representatives participated at The DSBDA Networking Event and business meeting at Nellies Restaurant on Wednesday, April 30th. The quarterly meeting features presentation by financial institutions like PNC Bank and ACCION Chicago.

The meeting also welcomed the new owners of Vainilla Bean Cupcake shop, which will be reopening soon in May. Other notable business owners present was Ziad Farhan the new manager of La Municipal Foods, who in 20 days of being the new owner manager has completely transformed the grocery store in a big way with fresh fruits and vegetables and a more hospitable aesthetic. Also in attendance was Alex Wilson the Executive Director of West Town Bikes and Ciclo Urbano who will be celebrating their 5th Anniversary on Paseo Boricua this Saturday, May 3rd on the corner of Campbell and Division St from 12:30 to 6:00pm. All are welcome.

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