34 Mujeres por Óscar-CHI Speak on Radio Show ‘On The Count’


by Diana Castillo,

Screenshot 2016-06-08 13.14.39National Boricua Human Rights Network Members of “34 Mujeres por Óscar” New York and Chicago spoke on the radio show “On The Count,” hosted by Steven Mangual, on Saturday March 19th. The segment highlighted the support and enthusiasm that women of the movement are generating for the release of Óscar López Rivera. 34 Mujeres por Óscar exists to publicize the López Rivera case and demanScreenshot 2016-06-08 13.14.48d his release. On the show members called on other women to join and support the campaign by attending rallies the last Saturday of the month in Chicago and the last Sunday of the month in Puerto Rico, Boston and New York. 34 Mujeres por Óscar groups hold monthly demonstrations in Puerto Rico, New York, Boston and Chicago in solidarity with the
Puerto Rican political prisoner who has been incarcerated 34 years. On The Count identifies and examines criminal and social justice issues directed towards reducing the inappropriate reliance on punishment and mass incarceration as the primary response to social and economic inequality. It is the only radio program produced and hosted entirely by formerly incarcerated men and women. Listen to the radio show at: http:// bit.ly/on-the-count

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