Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Since 1995, the Three Kings Winter Fest has been celebrated every year on January 6th, known as the Day of the Epiphany. It has become a tradition embraced by the entire community. Children and people of all ages sing Puerto Rican “aguinaldos” (Christmas carols) from business to business while the Three Magi and volunteers from the Latin American Motorcycle Association (LAMA), lead a procession down Division Street through the Paseo Boricua. Thousands join in a carnival-like atmosphere with revelers singing aguinaldos accompanied by live bomba and plena music. The annual parade is followed by a cultural program at the Humboldt Park Fieldhouse where more than 5,000 gifts are distributed to the children of the community. Thus, business and community organizations, old and young, people from all walks of life come together to delight in this ancient tradition of our puertorriqueñidad, and to ensure its persistence into the next generation. This event is co-sponsored by a host of community organizations.

Three Kings celebrations throughout the years

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