Humboldt Park Resident Wins Posse Scholarship!


Juliana Perez, senior at Von Steuben Metropolitan Academy was awarded the Posse Scholarship, a four year full tuition scholarship, to attend Trinity College in Hartford, CT next Fall. Juliana is a resident of the Humboldt Park community, active in her church Youth group at St Aloysius parish and has volunteered at Vida/Sida and Consuelo Lee Corretjer Day Care Center. In addition to her community service, Juliana is a member of the Von Steuben Girls Swim and Fast Pitch Softball team.  She is also an active participant in the IIT Boeing Scholars program for Chicago area high school students interested in studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

The Posse movement started in 1989 because of one student who said, “I never would have dropped out of college if I had my posse with me.” The Posse Foundation identifies public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by traditional college selection processes. The Foundation extends to these students the opportunity to pursue personal and academic excellence by placing them in supportive, multicultural teams-Posses-of 10 students. The Foundation’s partner universities and colleges award Posse Scholars four-year, full-tuition leadership scholarships.

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