Obama: Free Oscar ¡Gracias, Mil Gracias!


The National Boricua Human Rights Network extends its deepest thanks for joining us on Sunday, Oct. 9 at Lafayette Park, for the Interfaith Freedom Convocation and Cultural Celebration for Oscar López Rivera and making it a successful event.

We want to thank the following organizations, in Chicago, for their support: Chicago Puerto Rican Agenda, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School, Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center, Centro Sin Fronteras, New Life Covenant Church, Hispanic Housing Corporation, Community as a Campus, Norwegian American Hospital, and Urban Theater Company, National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, as well as the more than 160 people who pooled their resources and made their way to Washington DC on bus, car, rail and planes. A special thank you to Dr. Margaret and Atty. Melinda Power, John Bartlett and Hipolito “Paul” Roldan for their generous donations toward the cost of the Chicago buses.

Among the many positive things were:

1) Excellent print, and online coverage on the East Coast, Washington DC and Puerto Rico;
2) Massive social media presence; causing trending in Puerto Rico of the hashtag #freeoscarlopez
3) documented attendance from more than 25 cities in the US;
4) attendance of more than 2000 people
5) more than a dozen Puerto Rican elected officials attended, including Cong. Luis V. Gutiérrez, Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, New York City Council, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto, Councilor Jossie Valentin, Holyoke, MA, Councilor Angel Arroyo, Lorain, County, MA, State Rep. Angel Cruz, PA, State Rep. Leslie Acosta, Philadelphia, PA, State Assemblyman Jose Rivera, NY, State Rep. Minnie Gonzalez, Hartford, CT, Democratic Candidate to US Congress, Adriano Espaillat, State Rep. James Flores, Willimantic, CT. Supporting in spirit and resources, Maria Sanchez Quinonez, City Councilor, Philadelphia, PA, Nelson Roman, Holyoke, MA, Adam Gomez, Springfield, MA;
6) Major leaders, (or their personal envoys) of the Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Muslim faith traditions. Many thanks to the Interfaith Committee: Matt Meyer, Nozomi Ikuta and Paul Magno.
7) the generosity of the ad-hoc Washington host committee, Gretchen Sierra-Zorita, Mairym Ramos, Enrique Fernandez Toledo, and Paul Magno;
8) the attendance of nearly 200 people from Puerto Rico
9) the wonderful, heartfelt musical performances
10) the overall positive spirit of the event

A very special thank you to:
* Cong. Luis V. Gutierrez
* Melissa Mark Viverito, Speaker, NYC Council
* Ingrid Vila Biaggi and the Coalition for the Liberation of Oscar Lopez Rivera, Puerto Rico
* Hector Figueroa, president of 32BJ
* Councilwoman, Maria Quiñonez Sánchez, Philadelphia, PA
* Rev. Luis Cortés
* Mike Nieves, CEO, HITN

In addition, all of the city coordinators worked ceaselessly to full bus(es), under very difficult conditions and an impossible timeline. Thank you for your commitment and refusing to say “It can’t be done.”
* Felix Arroyo Sr., Boston, MA
* David Thibault-Muñoz, Fitchburg, MA
* Elmer Rivera Bello, New Haven, CT
* City Councilwoman Wildaliz Bermudez, Hartford, CT
* State Rep. Minnie Gonzalez, Hartford, CT
* Ana Lopez, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
* Fernando “Ponce” Laspina, NYC Coordinator to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
* Luis Negron, NJ Committee to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
* Jose “Che” Velazquez, NJ Committee to Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
* Esmirna Matos, NBHRN, Pittsburgh, PA
* Rev. Roberto Morales, Orlando Committee to Free Oscar López Rivera
* Angel Arroyo Jr, Lorain, OH
* Rev. Dr. Nozomi Ikuta, NBHRN, Cleveland, OH
* Jessie Fuentes, NBHRN, Chicago
* Dr. Michael Rodriguez Muniz, NBHRN, Chicago

Everyone left ready to re-double their efforts, knowing there are 94 days left for Pre. Obama to make his decision.

Presently, we are discussing the next measures to take to heighten the campaign and will be communicating soon.

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! More than ever, we need you generous financial aid. Please consider making a donation at http://boricuahumanrights.org

L. Alejandro Molina

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