42nd Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade 2020


Watch the Livestream by clicking here, Sat. 2-3pm

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) will celebrate its 42nd annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade on the Paseo Boricua. This year’s parade will start at 2:00 PM on Saturday, June 20, 2020.

Nonetheless, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are moved to act responsibly in order to guarantee

the safety of our community and of our neighbors. To this end, we will roll out a unique Virtual Parade. This creative response in the middle of a lethal pandemic will make space for our community to enjoy its most cherished cultural celebration of the year while ensuring its wellbeing. The parade will be transmitted on cable through HITN as well as simultaneously on the PRCC webpage. Because

we are following federal, state, and city guidelines for social distancing and PPE requirements, the transmission will include live as well as pre-recorded clips from businesses and cultural entities on Division St., Paseo Boricua, where historically the Parade takes place – through a culturally rich and iconic corridor extending from Western to Sacramento.

As the virtual parade kicks off, it will be narrated bilingually (Spanish-English), by Jessie Fuentes, Dean of Students of Pedro Albizu Campos High School and co-chair of the Puerto Rican Agenda, as well as by Dr. Jesús Hernández Burgos, Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center’s Public Health Initiatives.

The 42nd Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade will provide a space to celebrate the following historical milestones of our community:

• The 25th Anniversary of the Puerto Rican Flags of Steel

• The 20th Anniversary of the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture

• The 25th Anniversary of the Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center

• The 20th Anniversary of the Humboldt Park Public Library on Troy

• The 15th Anniversary of Muévete

• The 15th Anniversary of UrbanTheater Company

All celebrations will follow safety guidelines set forth by the federal, state, and city health agencies. We will provide PPE as needed to ensure compliance.

Additionally, all participants will make a call to action to join the efforts for the community to participate and be counted for the 2020 Census. The Parade will serve as one more venue for The Puerto Rican Cultural Center to get everyone in the Humboldt Park and surrounding communities to engage in this most crucial, once every decade event.

We encourage our entire community to organize watch parties in the safety and comfort of their homes alongside those with whom they are sheltering in place to watch the Virtual Parade on TV through Channel Comcast 647, DirecTV 461, Dish 880 and U-Verse 3055, and enjoy and celebrate this momentous occasion. The well-being of our community has always been a priority. We are called to celebrate and show our pride by tuning in and viewing from home.

During the past four decades, the Parade has grown into one of the largest cultural celebrations in this community, and it proudly showcases our rich cultural heritage. Traditionally, the parade includes floats, marching bands, vejigantes, and dancing/musical performances. Every year it brings together area businesses, political figures, religious institutions, cultural centers, schools, and community groups.

In recognition of our community’s rich diversity, our Cacica/Queen is always a transgender woman. Following the parade, thousands of participants join the Annual Fiestas Patronales Puertorriqueñas in Humboldt Park.

Although this year the Parade will look different, it will maintain the same joyful spirit that characterizes our people. The Puerto Rican people have always endured hardship through profound creativity. In that spirit and that tradition, we ask you to join us this year as we celebrate our beautiful people, culture, and our collective successes.

Leony Calderón

Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade Coordinator



     •Jessie Fuentes, Co-chair of the Puerto Rican Agenda 

     •Dr. Jesús Hernández Burgos, Director of the Puerto   

      • Rican Cultural Center’s Public Health Initiatives.

     • Alderman Roberto Maldonado

◀ Himno Nacional “La Borinqueña” cantado por Casandra Figueroa 

◀ Special Messages/Mensajes Especiales

      •State Sen. Omar Aquino 

      •State Rep. Delia Ramírez

◀ Homage/Homenaje al 42do Desfile del Pueblo Puertorriqueño     

     •Cantado por Yendrys Cespedes de YCC Production 

◀ Roberto Clemente Community Academy 

◀ Nellie’s Restaurant

◀ West Town Bikes/Ciclo Urbano

◀ Papa’s Cache Sabroso

      •Performance by Saxophonist Isaac Nieves

◀ Esmeralda Lounge

◀ AfriCaribe

      •Baile de Bomba y Plena 

◀ Supermercado Municipal

◀ Barberia Luquillo 

◀ ComEd

◀ Ivelisse “Bombera de Corazón” Díaz 

◀ Centro Infantil Consuelo Lee Corretjer

◀ SBDC at PRCC Humboldt Park

◀ La Casita de Don Pedro Albizu Campos

      •Bomba y Plena performance by Segundo Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center

◀ La Plena Restaurant 

◀ Urban Theater Company 

      •Performance by La Vuelta

◀ Humboldt Park Youth Employment Program

◀ Café Colao

◀ Pre-recorded Segment of Miss Gay Puerto Rico 

◀ Vida/SIDA

      •Performance by Valeria Méndez – Miss Universo Latina Plus 2019

◀ Curramba Colombian Restaurant 

◀ El Rescate 

◀ Jayuya Barber Shop

◀ La Bruquena 

◀ Cristian Roldán, Muralist 

◀ Yauco Liquor Store 

◀ PRCC Health Services 

      •Performance by Ginger Valdéz

◀ Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School

◀ Muévete

◀ Trans Chicago

      •Performance by Andrea Magia Méndez

◀ Humboldt Park Vocational Educational Center/Wright College

◀ Latin American Motorcycle Association

       •Mensaje Especial por Mario Nieves, Pres. International  LAMA

◀ Norwegian American Hospital

      •Mensaje Especial por José Sánchez, CEO

◀ Flags of Steel Documentary (Segment)

◀National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture 

      •Exhibit Samuel Lind

      •Closing Remarks by Billy Ocasio, Exec. Director 

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