The 2020 Plan was first published in 1982 by the Puerto Rican Department of Commence in conjunction with Reagan’s Economic Adjustment Plan for Vieques and Puerto Rico. 2020 was the projected completion date. The plan called for the creation of 11 military/industrial zones around the perimeter of the island, accompanied by massive strip mining of the interior, and drilling for oil along the coast. By fully exploiting the copper, nickel, and oil and other strategic resources in its colony, the US hoped to offset its losses of these strategic resources in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East where National Liberation anti-colonial uprisings were taking place. Under this plan large segments of the population around the strip-mining areas would have been displaced with the mines contaminating and destroying the ecosystems in the center of the island, converting the area into and industrial wasteland. Although much of the actual plan was abandoned due to massive opposition, its essential vision continues to be used. Puerto Ricans have been battered by hurricanes and imperial attacks and half the population lives outside Puerto Rico, but the people persevere.