National Puerto Rican Day Parade Honors Oscar Lopez Rivera as Puerto Rican Patriot


Delivers Call-to-Action to End the Puerto Rican Political Prisoner’s Incarceration of Nearly 33 Years

April 29, 2014, New York City – In the spirit of its 2014 theme, “Un Pueblo, Muchas Voces”/”One People, Many Voices”, the National Puerto Rican Day Parade (NPRDP) has officially called for the release of long-time political prisoner, Oscar López Rivera. Arrested in 1981, López Rivera was convicted of seditious conspiracy related to his actions in the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico. A long-time, vocal champion for Puerto Rican independence, López Rivera received a 70-year prison sentence, having spent more than 12 years in prisons that rank highest in punitive control, under torturous conditions of isolation and sensory deprivation. With this year’s celebration, the Parade honors López Rivera to recognize his unique voice and rally support from the Puerto Rican and Latino communities, as well as the nearly 2.5 million parade-goers that line the streets of New York City’s Fifth Avenue, to sign a petition for the release of López Rivera.

Puerto Ricans of all ideological and political backgrounds support the release of López Rivera since his sentence is widely viewed as not being commensurate with his actions. In fact, the 14 other compatriots that were imprisoned around the same time as López Rivera were released in 1999 when President Bill Clinton authorized their release, determining that their sentences were disproportionate with their actions. Continue reading here.

Apoyo a la excarcelacion de Oscar Lopez Rivera por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico
Apoyo a la excarcelacion de Oscar Lopez Rivera por el Gobernador de Puerto Rico
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