Knowledge Exchange Recap: Education Reform in Humboldt Park


Pictured below l-r: Marvin Garcia, Boricua College’s Dr. Raquel Ortiz, former BPI intern Militza Pagán, and José E. López.

In August, BPI hosted a Knowledge Exchange with Jose López, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, and Marvin García, Director of the Alternative Schools Network of Chicago Praxis Project. They discussed the Community as a Campus (CAAC) initiative, a plan conceived by the community in 2009 and adopted by the Community Action Council of Humboldt Park Chicago.

The CAAC initiative is rooted in the work of Paulo Freire, who viewed education and community development as a transformative process. Mr. Lopez believes that education is not the transfer of knowledge from an expert to those who are less knowledgeable. Instead, education emanates from the knowledge and experiences of both students and community members, facilitates a critical analysis of the social, economic, and political structures that shape everyday experiences, and then applies that knowledge to take civic action. Continue readinghere.


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