DSBDA Celebrates 3rd Annual Paseo Boricua Awards Ceremony


Ketty Burgos The Division Street Business Development Association (DSBDA) hosted its 3rd Annual Paseo Boricua Awards Ceremony. The event honors those businesses and individuals that have exemplified commitment and dedication towards the Paseo Boricua community. DSBDA’s Award Ceremony typically takes place in November of every year. However, due to financial constraints in 2007, it was postponed until this past 27th of March, 2008. It was a spectacular event for the Paseo Boricua Community. Over 200 attendees joined DSBDA for a night of celebration, recognizing those who have gone above and beyond to enhance Paseo Boricua and the Humboldt Park Community. This event will shine a light on examples of community building with the 2007 Ambassador of the Year awardee Efrain Vargas, Humboldt Construction General Manager and Bickerdike’s developer of La Estancia Apartments located on sites along Division Street-most prominently on the corner of California & Division. The 2007 Corporate Partner of the Year was awarded to Comcast for sponsorship and media support of DSBDA and Paseo Boricua events throughout the year. Lastly, but not least, the highly coveted 2007 Entrepreneur of the Year Award was presented to the Espinoza and Muñiz family, owners of Café Colao and Nellie’s Restaurant located in the heart of Paseo Boricua. It was a wonderful evening of fun, dinner, music and networking. Join us for the upcoming 4th Annual Paseo Boricua Award Awards presentation coming this November! For more information on DSBDA (2459 W. Division St.) call 773-782-0454.

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