Puerto Rican Restaurant Summit: A Success on Paseo Boricua



Eduardo Arocho

The Division Street Business Development Association (DSBDA) hosted the first Puerto Rican Restaurant Summit at the famous Teresa Roldan Apartments on the corner of Campbell and Division. Over 50 business owners and entrepreneurs participated in the meeting on Wednesday, March 17. The goal of the summit was to present to Puerto Rican restaurant owners the idea and the benefits of opening a Restaurant on Paseo Boricua.

Since 2001, DSBDA has been working to create a Puerto Rican Restaurant District on Paseo Boricua. Among the presenters was 26th Ward Alderman Roberto Maldonado, who supports the Puerto Rican Restaurant District and made a presentation on the Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) program to assist business owners.

If you’re interested in opening a Puerto Rican Restaurant on Paseo Boricua or would like more information on future meetings or our Fast Trac to Business Planning course being offered on April 14. Please contact DSBDA at www.dsbda.org,  773.782.0454 or [email protected]. Our offices are located at 2459 W. Division Street.

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