New Life Covenant Sponsors Annual Hope Fest-A Community Success
The grounds surrounding Norwegian American Hospital became a place to celebrate the return to school as New Life Covenant Church celebrated its annual Hope Fest. Hope Fest is an event that has become an extremely important part of our community’s life. All kinds of family activities were held. From haircuts to groceries, from book backs to schools supplies, from health checkups to promotion of community services are found and experienced at Hope Fest, which this year was held on July 27th.
Congratulations to Eduardo Arocho and DSBDA
First Paseo Boricua Classic Car and Bike Show
A new dimension for our communications
On Saturday, July 27th over 300 classic cars and bikes adorned the Paseo Boricua corridor from Western to California. The entire day was truly a family centered, community-focused celebration. The charming and colorful cars, the old engines and the sturdy bodies of the vehicles fascinated the visitors and the enthusiasts. Family strolled, young groups of people skateboarded and little kids participated in the kids games and activities. The PRCC congratulates Eduardo Arocho, president of the DSBDA Board of Directors, and DSBDA on this new addition to our community building efforts.

PRCC participates at the 60th anniversary of
the July 26th Movement
Dozens of Chicago human rights activists came together at the Venezuelan Consulate on July 26th to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fidel Castro’s raid at Moncada, giving birth to what would later be known as the July 26th movement. It is this movement that is historically recognized as the protagonist to the Cuban Revolution of 1959. A panel discussion was held which included Professor Félix Masud from DePaul University and Jose E. López, Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center.
PRCC Nutrition Class Brief
Starting on August 25th, the Urban Agriculture program held its first nutrition class. The 20 youth in the program can now add cooking and consumption to the growing list of skills learned and executed through this summer program. In the class the students participating in activities such as “Sugar Shock” where each student measured how much sugar was in a drink they consume everyday, making dough for pizza, and cooking vegetables grown in the gardens they maintain. The end result was a nutrient rich pizza they all were able to consume and enjoy.
In order to gain a well rounded knowledge of agriculture, the youth have now been apart of the planting, growing, harvesting, selling, cooking, and consumption aspects of agriculture in an urban setting. |
Family Mural Day at IPRAC
This past Sunday, July 29th, 2013, IPRAC’s Trailer Park Proyects teamed up with Archi-Treasures for Family Mural Day to create a unique community mural. Seven local artists were invited to work with members from the surrounding neighborhood to come and paint large pieces of tangrams which were ultimately pieced together to create shapes of animals or action. “The day was great! I really enjoyed working and collaborating with community and everyone involved!” remarked participating artist Caitlin Ryan. The tangrams murals are currently displayed in front of the Institute of Puerto Rican Art and Culture, in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood. A special thanks to everyone involved, Archi-Treasures and Chicago Community Trust.
25th Congress of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology
From July 15-21, the Teatro Alejandro Tapia y Rivera in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico was the site of the 25th Congress of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology. Among the over 100 presentations made by researchers from more than 25 countries were a large number of papers on various aspects of Puerto Rican history and prehistory. Some of the more noteworthy of these Puerto Rican focused projects included:
Dr. Antonio Curet and colleagues presenting evidence of a major flooding event that occurred around 1000 years ago and profoundly affected archaeological sites, and the lives of those sites’ inhabitants on both the north and south coast of the island.
Dr. William Pestle (husband of former Roberto Clemente Assistant Principal Christina Menéndez) and colleagues reconstructing the lives of several individuals buried at the site of Tibes through an analysis of their bones and teeth.
Dr. Miguel Rodríguez López presenting a re-assessment of several decades of research on materials from the well-known site of Punta Candelero in Humacao.
Dr. Joshua Torres and colleagues discussing links and similarities between the ancient peoples of eastern Puerto Rico and those who inhabited the adjacent Virgin Islands.
Dr. Reniel Rodríguez Ramos and colleagues using a database of radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites all over the island (image below) to critically re-evaluate the history and prehistory of the island.
A link to the conference website and program with descriptions of all the contributions can be found here. |
Vida Sida at United Latino Pride Picnic
On Saturday, July 27th, Vida/SIDA attended the 8th annual United Latino Pride Picnic Hosted by Orgullo En Acción. It took place in Humboldt Park on Division & Luis Muñoz Drive. Vida/SIDA had a table display of the programs that they offer. The event was accompanied by different ally organizations from all over the Chicago area. There were many performances by LGBTQ youth. This event was filled with community building and bonding with many individuals.
WE’RE GOING TO NEW ORLEANS for the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) Help Us Get There!
On Saturday August 3, 2013 starting at 10AM off the corner of Division and Washtenaw we will be having a CAR WASH to help us fundraise in our efforts to go to New Orleans.
El Rescate residents will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to hold a workshop on LGBTQ Homelessness in Chicago at the United Stated Conference on AIDS. This is the first time that Vida/SIDA will be presenting at this leading conference. We are excited that three residents will be leading the presentation and discussion, as well as learning and engaging the hundreds of organizations that will be represented at the event.
Please support our fundraising efforts this Saturday. $5.00 cars and mini vans exterior only, $2.00 extra for Armorall. No interiors. |
The Paseo Boricua Farmers Market will be open every Friday and Saturday this summer. Through this initiative, the PRCC seeks to provide a place for Humboldt Park residents to acquire fresh produce.
Locally grown chemically free produce grown by our very own Humboldt Park youth is available!

The Farmer’s Market takes places on Fridays from 2pm-7pm and Saturdays from 10am-3pm at 2628 W. Division St.
Nelson Mandela, Oscar López Rivera,
and the charge of terrorism
Shortly after Mandela was released from prison on February 11, 1990, he traveled to New York, where he was greeted as an international hero. As the coordinator of a project related to the World Council of Churches – an organization that had stood up for the African National Congress (ANC) in the days when it was widely regarded in the United States as a “terrorist organization” – I was offered a ticket to the event. The jockeying for tickets was fierce, so I magnanimously gave up mine. A second ticket came my way, and I gave that one up, too. Afterwards, I heard the testimonies of the people who attended. They described it as a transcendent, life-transforming experience. I feigned interest, but the embarrassing truth is that even though I intellectually understood the significance of both the man and the moment, in my bones, I didn’t really get it. Read on…
Political prisoner Oscar Lopez celebrates his 70th birthday in jail (Spanish video)
 TELESUR-Oscar Lopez Rivera is one of the most legendary political prisoners in the hemisphere. The Puerto Rican has spent 32 years imprisoned in the United States, accused of conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government in Puerto Rico. View the video here (Spanish).
In Boston
Oscar present at 40th Festival Betances Parade
In solidarity with the call for freedom of Oscar López Rivera Boston activists Anabel Vázquez and Jeremy Aponte marched as part of the 40th Festival Betances Parade @ Villa Victoria, among the streets of the historic South End in downtown Boston. The parade kicked off a weekend of events, including concerts, dance performances, family and youth\ activities, traditional foods and art and crafts highlighting the diversity of Latino culture. In 1968, a group of predominately Puerto Rican community activists stared down Boston’s urban renewal bulldozers and organized to gain control over the development of their neighborhood. Forming IBA – Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción, these activists developed Villa Victoria (Victory Village), a 435 unit affordable housing community in the city’s South End neighborhood. The development of Villa Victoria is an accomplishment considered to be a seminal moment in the history of affordable housing, civil rights and community organizing in Boston.
