Clemente TV Students Produce IB Music Videos

Students in Mr. Roger Badesch’s CTE Broadcast Technology program are in the middle of producing a music video that exemplifies IB learner profiles.  Students ‘blindly’ selected one of ten available songs that Badesch and TV producer Ms. Mildred Amador previously evaluated for IB learner profiles such as open-mindedness, risk-taking, caring, principled, and reflective.

The song selected is Johnny Mathis’ rendition of “Life is a Song Worth Singing”, written by Thomas Randolph Bell and Linda Diane Creed.  Students spent several class periods analyzing the lyrics and designing a visual story to go along with the words.  Once the basic story was agreed upon, students drew storyboards for each scene and put together a taping schedule.

At this point, students are in the middle of production, videotaping actors and other scenes around the school.  After taping is completed, students will enter the post-production phase editing the video and audio, producing movie trailers, designing artwork for promotional handouts and producing the DVD graphics.

Some of the lyrics of the song are “Only you generate the power, To decide what to do with your life.  You’re a fool if you think you’re helpless, You control what you do with your life.”    Film director Tarianna Williams, in her second year of the CTE broadcasting program, says the song “speaks about the hardships that young people face today, but that anyone can accomplish anything if they put their mind to it and think positively.”

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