Humboldt Park Affordable Care Act Registration and Forum a Success!


On Tuesday, March 25th, about 200 people attended 4th the Humboldt Park Community Forum and Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment event hosted by 4th District State Representative Cynthia Soto in collaboration with the PRCC and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).  The PRCC team enrolled community members, provided education, and made appointments for individuals to come to our office to enroll.

PRCC’s Executive Director, José E. López, welcomed the participants to the forum and spoke about the importance of having health insurance as a human right. The forum’s moderator, Enrique García Fuentes,proceeded to present the panelist, including our Navigator- Rocio Kanan – and representatives from UIC and Get Covered Illinois. Media from National Public Radio (NPR), Al Jazeera America, and Azteca TV were present at the event. The PRCC Navigators stayed until 10pm until they enrolled the last person that was in line.

Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace ends in only 5 days. There are just 5 days left for consumers to apply for and enroll in quality, affordable coverage. If you don’t have health insurance and don’t begin to sign up by the deadline-you can’t get coverage again until next year. Just like Election Day, if you are in line when the polls close, you get to vote.  We won’t close the door on those who tried to get covered and were unable to do so through no fault of their own

Visit our Humboldt Park office with extended office hours – 1112 N. California Ave. or call us at 773-227-7794 for an appointment. We also have an office at the Hermosa community (4046 W. Armitage Ave.; 773-661-9077). This weekend, our Navigators will be located in various facilities until midnight.

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