Paseo Boricua welcomes back Elvira Arellano

PSA Basta Ya!
¡Basta Ya!

On Sunday, March 23, 2014, members of the Humboldt Park community welcomed back Elvira Arellano at Alberto Church. The church was packed with supporters. Community members made reflections on Elvira’s behalf. Elvira spoke about her activism in support of undocumented people in the US but also her work with Central American undocumented people in Mexico. Elvira, Emma Lozano and others made a call to continue fighting for immigration reform and encouraged people to participate in an action at ICE headquarters on Thursday, March 27. They demanded that President Obama extend deferred action to all undocumented people in the US. The event was widely covered by the media including live transmission on Channel 5 and Telemundo and the Chicago Tribune and Hoy Newspapers.


Elvira stated at the rally: *I have come back to the struggle here to stop the deportations and separation of families…


*I have come back to tell President Obama to extend the deferments he gave the dreamers to their parents and the parents of U.S. Citizen Children…


*I truly believe that God has made it possible for me to return because WE CAN and WE WILL END THE DEPORTATIONS THIS YEAR;  WE CAN and WE WILL REUNITE OUR FAMILIES FROM ACROSS THE BORDER THIS YEAR!


Download the leaflet for the Thursday rally.

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