PRCC’s Women for PASEO program; Up and Running!


The PRCC’s Women for PASEO program is up and running; the new program from Vida/SIDA that provides services for women and transgendered women, 18 years and older (African American & Latinas).  The program offers FREE HIV/STI testing and screenings for substance abuse, mental health and post traumatic stress disorder.

Following the screenings, eligible women will be referred to participate in the Women for PASEO program. The program offers case management services and referrals for treatment (substance abuse and mental health) to different collaborators’ organizations such as: Rincon Family Services, Health Alternative Systems (HAS), group and individual counseling services, and other resources and information that could help women to empower their lives.

Interested women should visit our Main Office at 2620 W Division St. in Humboldt Park.  On Friday’s, Women for PASEO program will also be providing services to the Hermosa Community in the Puerto Rican Cultural Center office, located at 4046 W. Armitage, Second Floor (ACA office).

This Saturday, June 21st, Women for PASEO will be attending the following events:

  • Celebrando la Salud at St James Stephanie Center in Chicago Heights: 30 East 15th Street, Chicago Heights, IL 6041 from 10:00am to 2:00pm
  • Vive por tu Corazón at Norwegian American Hospital: 1044 N Francisco Ave, Chicago, IL 60622 from10:00am to 2:00pm

We invite the community to participate in any of these events!

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