Network Contingent Marches for Oscar at Cleveland Puerto Rican Parade & Festival


The growing awareness of Oscar and our campaign for his release was evident on August 2-3 at Cleveland’s Puerto Rican festival and parade this year. Instead of having to explain everything about Oscar and his case, we found many people who already knew about him — including some who shouted to their friends to urge them to sign, too. Oscar’s niece, Lourdes Lugo, made a brief but powerful statement from the stage, asking people to help bring him home. Many thanks to Melissa Santana and Dorothy Bell Ferrer for setting up our table and their many hours at the festival, to Juan Molina Crespo for sharing his tent with us, and to the compañero/as who drove from Chicago for all their support and solidarity.


Grand Marshall Celestino Rivera, Chief of Police, Lorain, Ohio Supporting Oscar Campaign
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