An Explosion of Arts, Culture and Fashion: Chi-Caribeña Designs showcase of Diversity, Caribbean and Womanhood

by Maria Borrero

The National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture presented a surprisingly delightful array of beauty and color this past Sunday. The Barrio Arts Festival 2014 closed the presentation by featuring a unique cultural experience with the Chi-Caribeña Designs’ Caribbean Carnival Costume Runway Show. Designed by Humboldt Park native Diane Berrios, these costumes were modeled by the beautiful natural goddesses and portrayed the spirit and distinction of costumes worn today at carnival festivals throughout the Caribbean Islands. Just in case you missed this portion of the Barrio Arts Festival, the exotic custom designed costumes will be showcased again at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture Museum on October 14, 2014.

Narrative by Diane Berrios (

Photography by David Ziemba (

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