Un Grito por Oscar


Symbolic Daniel Fast

More than 100 people gathered on Tuesday, September 23 at the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture to commemorate the historic Puerto Rican uprising against Spanish rule in the mountainous region of Lares, Puerto Rico on September 23, 1868. The celebration was framed within a symbolic 24-hour fast based on the Biblical Daniel’s Fast. This effort was led by two young members of National Boricua Human Rights Network, Eliana, “Frenchy” Triche and Juan “Nito” Morales. More than 40 individuals had signed up to participate and 33 reflected on their experience with the fast.

The program also included a panel discussion with three ex-political prisoners: Ricardo Jiménez, Luis Rosa and Edwin Cortés chaired by Jessie Fuentes. It was a dynamic exchange on their experiences during 20 years of incarceration and the past 15 years since their release. José E. López highlighted some important historical points about the Grito de Lares. The event culminated with Lourdes Lugo singing the original Puerto Rican national anthem authored by Lola Rodríguez de Tío for the 1868 uprising.

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