Call for Papers


Special issue of CENTRO Journal

Guest editors: Maura I. Toro-Morn (Illinois State University), Ivis Garcia Zambrana (University of Illinois at Chicago) and Marisa Alicea (DePaul University)

The Chicago Puerto Rican experience represents a significant chapter of the Puerto Rican diaspora. Sixty years after the initial waves of migration, Puerto Ricans nd themselves in a paradoxical place. Relative to other ethnic and racial groups in the city and despite their status as U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans still have among the lowest incomes, educational attainment, and homeownership rates. Yet, Puerto Ricans in Chicago have mobilized themselves and other communities in the struggles against gentrification, poverty, poor access to health care and immigrant rights. This special issue seeks to explore some of the realities of the Chicago Puerto Rican community today. We are looking for new scholarship that both revisits some of the issues that Puerto Ricans face as long-term residents and explores new problems and challenges the community is confronting. We are also seeking articles that speak to the community’s response to its social and economic realities.

Download the invitation to submit academic papers here.

Deadline for abstract submissions of no more than 250 words with paper title and keywords is October 15, 2014.

Deadline for nal paper submission is January 31, 2015.
Send abstracts and submissions to: [email protected]

We invite academic papers addressing, among other possibilities, the following questions:

Call for Papers

For more information contact: Xavier F.Toi, Editor

CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies
Phone:  212-772-5690 Fax:  212-650-3673
[email protected]


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