2nd Week of El Conuco and Mural Garden Farmer’s Market Marked by Excellent Growth

By Erika Abad, Puerto Rican Cultural Center
This past Sunday, at the Mural Garden Farmer’s Market, PRCC garden team member Christian Roldán asked a resident what he would like to see at the market. After listing asparagus, and mushrooms among other vegetables, the man also said he wanted cilantro. Christian walked him over to the Mural Garden’s beds and picked a bunch for him. Our commitment to providing quality products from the state, as well as from our own community, keeps us growing.

This weekend, between the start of the Conuco’s Farmer’s Market on the corner of California and Division and our second weekend at the Mural Garden, profits tripled.  The more the market earns, the more vendors will be able to provide to local residents. Improving access to locally grown produce that are seen in our homes, the garden team hopes to be able to continue to fulfill the requests of local residents. But, like any farmer entrusting our bounty to the elements, what we provide each week will be based on what the season and weather permits.

Given increasing demand for diversity as well as for the quality non-GMO, untreated produce our greenhouses, and local gardens continue to produce, volunteers will be needed to harvest our greens, berries and herbs.  For more information, please contact[email protected].
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