About El Rescate Basic Center


El Rescate, an initiative of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, now provides a Basic Center Program. We are currently working on getting our license for an emergency youth shelter (for children age 14 – 17), but in the meantime we also provide Prevention Services to youth between the ages of 12 and 17 who are facing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness, which includes youth who are runaways, couch surfing, or whose family are living in doubled up situations. We provide case management services to youth, particularly if they identify as LGBTQ and are Latino/a or African American. However, we do not deny our services to any youth in need, so we accept all referrals. Please contact Milagros Pérez, Basic Center Program Case Manager at [email protected], for more information or to make a referral. While we are physically located in Humboldt Park, our program serves the entire City of Chicago. We will travel to where the child is to conduct an intake if needed.

Contact Us:

Milagros Perez, Case Manager

[email protected]


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