Family Learning Center@PACHS: “Not Just Changing Diapers, Changing the World!”


by Dr. Laura Ruth Johnson, Northern Illinois University Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School/Lolita Lebrón Family Learning Center is fundraising to take a group of young parents, mentors, practitioners, reproductive justice leaders to attend and present at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, to be held in San Antonio, TX in April/May. They will be part of a panel entitled, “We’re not just changing diapers, we’re changing the world: Young parents transforming their communities,” which will detail some of the school’s work in the areas of transformational mentorship and reproductive justice, along with the work of the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health. Their proposal was selected from 13,000 submissions. It is essential at this moment that we listen to youth voices, and push back at repressive policies and pejorative narratives about young parents. Please help them share their important work in the areas of intergenerational mentorship for young mothers and reproductive and birth justice!!

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