Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School Awarded Illinois Youthbuild Grant


Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School (PACHS) has been awarded a $100,000.00 planning grant by the Illinois YouthBuild Coalition. The money will be used to plan and outline the integration of a pre-apprenticeship in the construction trades program within the schools curriculum and prepare the school to apply for a three-year Department of Labor – YouthBuild implementation grant.

Several PACHS students will receive training in the fields of carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work. They will gain valuable experience on a construction site building low-income housing, and they will earn opportunities to enter apprenticeship programs, and thus have access to life sustaining wages.

Two Key partners in this initiative are YouthBuild Illinois a program established in 1997 that is designed to expand employment and education opportunities for low income and at risk youth by advocating for increased resources, public awareness, and involvement on behalf of youth-serving organizations in Illinois; and Revolution Workshop, a social enterprise that provides construction and woodworking workforce development for unemployed or underemployed people in partnership with area businesses.

 This initiative will support and collaborate with the Puerto Rico Town vision of the Puerto Rican Agenda and has the support of the major housing programs of Humboldt Park, Hispanic Housing, LUCHA, and Bickerdike.

For more information contact Mervin Méndez at [email protected]

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