Sophomores at Clemente have unlocked the power of Socratic Seminars! In order to prepare for their individual oral commentaries, students practiced sharing and defending their opinions on what it means to be a role model and what they can do as young adults to be good role models for future generations. Is it their gender? Their income? Their popularity on social media? They spent weeks examining various people widely accepted as role models. Students analyzed their speeches and social media postings, as well as their backgrounds to determine what made them acceptable role models. Classes agreed that some of these individuals were good role models, while others should be questioned.
After this research was complete, students were ready to dive into a rich discussion about the factors that attract young people to certain “role models.” Classes flourished into safe spaces in which to share personal experiences and beliefs about what it means to be an adult. One class had such a natural and powerful conversation that students hugged on the way out of class. Needless to say, Socratic Seminars are here to stay!