Ex-political prisoner Ricardo Jiménez speaks on Campaign to free Oscar in Tennessee


Recently the National Boricua Human Rights Network was invited to present on the campaign to release Oscar López-Rivera in Tennessee. This is NBHRN’s second time in Tennessee, hosted by Dignidad Obrera/Worker’s Dignity members and Network supporters Bobbilyn Negrón and husband Jack Wiley. Former Puerto Rican political prisoner, Ricardo Jimenez and Detroit Network coordinator Raquelle Seda presented at a workers dignity meeting in Nashville. The following day Ricardo and Raquelle presented at the American Baptist College, at en event sponsored by the Southern Christian Leadership Council; an institution and organization with strong historical ties to Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement. Afterwards Ricardo presented to a packed classroom at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. A talk once again supported by MT Solidarity. Because of weather conditions, the planned event at Austin Peay University in Clarksville was relocated to a local cafe. Even so, there was a great turn out of supporters with interest for future NBHRN events.

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