UrbanTheater Premieres Dark, Magical Realistic Play Devil Land In Humboldt Park


Written by Desi Moreno-Penson
Directed by Hank Hilbert

Co-Directed by Juan Castañeda


“A childless, Latino couple kidnap a young girl in order to create a family…but the little girl has ideas of her own…and when her imaginary friend, the Grinch, comes to life to help her, the couple ends up with far more than they bargained for! A dark and gothic fairy tale for the contemporary world.”

Location: UrbanTheater Company – 2628 W. Division St.

Performances: Thursdays – Saturday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 6pm

Previews: $10 March 4th, 5th & 6th
General Admission: $20
Students: $15
Seniors: $10
Community Discount: $10 with 60622

Buy Tickets Today! – http://bit.ly/UTCDevilLand

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