Past PRCC ProjectsLos Tequis Back your data up now- tomorrow may be too late! By Alejandro Molina - October 8, 2014 0 487 PRCC Tech Tips It’s important as the year unfolds, to remember to back your data up, pics, documents, music, etc. The easiest way for anyone with a Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School or National Boricua Human Rights Network email to do this by dropping the file in to your Google Drive. From there, you can create subfolders if you want. The most important thing to remember is that HARD DRIVES FAIL, and the failure is always not related to how old the drive is. So back up your Desktop and Documents files, your pictures and music, your videos and yes, copy and paste your texts if they are important to you into your Google Drive folder. It only takes a few minutes and might just save you a world of hurt. Please follow and like us: