Student Offered Full Ride to Howard University at Siemens College Fair


By Roberto Clemente Community Academy staff

A selection of junior and seniors student attended the Siemens College Fair which is an annual event that helps students gain admissions to historically black colleges and universities. In addition to admission, this fair aims to provide students with the scholarships and funding needed to make these colleges and universities attainable post-secondary options. Representatives from over 30 HBCUs from across the country were present and available to provide information and answer questions from prospective students. Additionally, many qualified students were offered partial or full scholarships to attend these colleges and universities.

At this fair, senior Niambi Smith met with an admission counselor from Howard University who reviewed her transcripts, ACT scores, and held a short interview. Being the valedictorian of her class with a strong ACT scores, they were able to offer her admission on the spot along with a full tuition scholarship. Howard University is a prestigious historically black college/university located in Washington, DC. Many notable alums have been educated at Howard such as Toni Morrison, P. Diddy, Tarajhi P. Henson, and Zora Neale Hurston.

Niambi was one of many students from across CPS thrilled to be admitted and offered scholarship dollars to attend college in the fall. The Siemens College Fair is a fantastic opportunity that continues to build relationships with CPS schools and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Students may qualify for the event in the future if they meet the following criteria:

  • CPS seniors must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and ACT score of 20 or higher; or
  • CPS seniors must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, an ACT score of 18 or higher and be ranked #1 in their graduating class; or
  • CPS seniors must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, an ACT score of 18 or higher and serve as the class president or LSC representative for their school; or CPS juniors must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and PLAN score of 20 or higher
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