Clemente Nears the End of IB Authorization Journey


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Back-to-back IB Verification Visits in March marked the final active steps in Clemente’s journey to become authorized in the Career-related Programme (CP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP). On Wednesday, March 11 the school was visited by two evaluators from the IB CP who spoke with teachers, students, parents and LSC members, and toured the facilities for Broadcast Technology, Allied Health, and Culinary Arts. Upon authorization, the Career-related Programe will provide a combination option for juniors and seniors who want to pursue career education but also challenge themselves with IB Diploma Programme classes.

On March 16-17, the verification team for the IB Middle Years Programme visited the school and conducted a similar review process. In addition to the steps for the CP, they also met with MYP (grades 9-10) teachers from every subject area, participated in 24 classroom observations, and re- viewed unit plans and samples of assessed student work. They were eager to hear about soph- omores’ experience working on Personal Projects this year, as well as the many service projects students have engaged in.

The teams’ reports are part of the evidence that will be used by IB Americas and the IBO to make a final determination on authorization in these two programs. Both teams left with high praise for the school’s inclusive approach and the culture that has been established at Clemente in recent years.

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Roberto Clemente Community Academy is an IB World School authorized to offer the Diploma Programme.

By Elizabeth Kelley, Roberto Clemente Community Academy

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