Which ones are yours?

By Erika Abad, Puerto Rican Cultural Center Garden Team


This weekend, as many gathered in parks and prepared to go to the lake, the PRCC’s Farmers’ Market remained open. Getting ready for the grill, garlic flew off the shelves and the last of our strawberries were a delight to those, who after one bite, bought what we were able to harvest this week. On Sunday, one of our garden team members learned more about how to cook beets from a resident debating with another on the best way to cook them and the differences between the red and orange varieties. On getting a whiff of sofrito, community residents braved investment in the Puerto Rican cooking paste with others, preordering for next week and assuring us they will remind their friends.

Community residents, when aiming to buy local, remember Conuco and Mural Farmer’s Market- food from your neighborhood getting to your table!

For more information on what is in season this week, reach Garden Team Member Erika at [email protected] or (773) 850-2467.
This Sunday, one of the Farmers’ Market regulars asked a garden team member, which ones  we grew. After pointing to the cilantro, remaining beets and lettuce heads, he took the bulk of the beets before moving on to pick from other produce. Support for neighborhood- grown food is about using bring food as close to you as possible. Healthy communities are about having healthy choices right around the corner.


Another regular, in comparing Mural Garden Market with Logan Square, said she appreciated having great produce right across the street from her home. Whether greeting neighbors with a good morning or “buen dia”, the Farmers’ Market team privileges being able to work on growing the food local residents request and encouraging healthier alternatives.


Each weekend, the Garden Team brings over 180 lbs of produce and herbs right into the neighborhood. With continued regulars and greater supporters, the Garden Team will work to bring more diverse choices to residents looking to eat healthier, decrease their carbon footprint, and support efforts.


Please call or email Erika, [email protected] or 773-850 2467 for more information on how you can help or how you can bring the food you grow right into our market.

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