Message from the Mental Health Linkage to Care and Retention Case Manager, Gerardo Tinajero:
“Mental Health problems affect one in four individuals in the United States. It has been shown that there are high levels of stigma preventing many people from accessing mental health support. The mission of the Esperanza Mental Health Program is to link individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness but who have not received care from a qualified mental health provider for at least 30 days to the mental health services they need.”
Funded by a grant from the City of Chicago Department of Public Health, the Esperanza Program offers free and confidential services to individuals 18 years of age and over in the Humboldt Park and West Town area. These services include, but are not limited to:
Linkage to Qualified Mental Health Care Providers
Case Management Information referral for support services including but not limited to health insurance, food, and transportation.
We aim to reduce any type of stigma towards receiving help and services for those who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. We are dedicated to linking individuals who have been diagnosed and who have fallen out of treatment to a mental health provider and to retain them in treatment. We also aim to help these individuals become functional members of society so that they can improve their lives.
For more information:
773-227-7794 – 1112. N. California Ave.
Latest News from The Esperanza Program
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