Congratulations Jonathan Rosa! Granted Tenure At Stanford University

Jonathan Rosa

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center wishes to congratulate our dear friend and colleague Dr. Jonathan Rosa for receiving tenure at Stanford University — widely regarded as one of the top universities in the world. During the past few years, Dr. Rosa served as Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Education. He is now promoted to the most distinguished rank of a fully tenured professor. 

While completing his graduate work at the University of Chicago, Jonathan was deeply involved in the Puerto Rican Community’s struggle in Humboldt Park. Now that he is a professor at Stanford University, Dr. Rosa organizes a class every spring break that conducts intensive research in and about community building, the issues of gentrification, and the resilience of our community through its history and culture. 

Recently, Jonathan participated as a panelist in the Symposium Decolonizing Praxis and the Puerto Rican Struggle: The Life and Legacy of José E. López, honoring The PRCC’s Executive Director on his 70th birthday, on November 1, 2019. 

According to Stanford University Dr. Rosa is a “sociocultural and linguistic anthropologist who is passionate about analyzing the interplay between youth socialization, raciolinguistic formations, and structural inequity in urban contexts. Dr. Rosa collaborates with local communities to track these phenomena and develop tools for understanding and eradicating the forms of disparity to which they correspond. This community-based approach to research, teaching, and service reflects a vision of scholarship as a platform for imagining and enacting more just societies.” 

Last year The PRCC sponsored a presentation of his book, Looking like a Language, Sounding Like a Race: Raciolinguistic Ideologies and the Learning of Latinidad, in which Dr. Rosa spoke about his research in a local school in Humboldt Park, as well as how important his community engagement had informed his research. 

Dr. Rosa’s works have been published in such scholarly journals as Harvard Educational Review, American Ethnologist, American Anthropologist, Language in Society, and the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 

We are extremely proud of this incredibly brilliant, insightful, young scholar whose research is deeply connected to organic community practices. 

La Voz del Paseo Boricua 

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