Free COVID-19 Testing Provided by NAH, PRCC, and El Rincón, Pandemic Hits Latinos Hard: 37% of Cases, 25% of Deaths


After considerable effort and advocacy, we are excited to announce that Norwegian American Hospital, in partnership with The Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC) and Rincón Family Services, and The Governor’s Office is providing much needed COVID-19 testing to Humboldt Park and the surrounding area. The early detection these tests are discovering is undoubtedly saving the lives of countless people in our community. This is The Puerto Rican Cultural Center mission at its most basic. Everything The PRCC undertakes is designed to promote the dignity and celebrate the culture of the Puerto Rican people. Moving forward, our work now is rooted in the very survival of our community. Never has our work been more crucial. Our undivided efforts are now brought to bear on the saving of lives and preventing family tragedies.

Norwegian American Hospital, the PRCC, El Rincón, and the Governor’s office urge everyone in our community to get tested. Testing is a most significant step in combating this pandemic, which is impacting the Latino community at a crisis level. The most recent statistics demonstrate that Latinos experience some of the highest death rates in Chicago due to Coronavirus; they account for 37% of cases and 25% of deaths as referenced in a recent article by Chicago Suntimes, May 6, 2020.

The tests are completely free and are provided Monday through Friday from 2pm to 4pm by appointment only. Call the Hotline at 773-299-8363. All those looking to be tested are required to arrive in cars. At no time will they leave their cars during the testing process, which takes place in the hospital parking lot.

By. Juan Calderon

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