Ald. Maldonado/PRCC Beautify Paseo Boricua


On May 22, 2020, the staff of The Puerto Rican Cultural Center (PRCC), community volunteers, and members of Ald. Maldonado’s office, carried out a “Clean Up Day” along Paseo Boricua. The participants of El Rescate Transitional Housing Program joined in the activities and helped out by deweeding the areas around the trees, cleaning up in the alleys behind some of PRCC’s buildings, as well as cleaning the windows of PRCC’s programs. 

PRCC staff from Public Health, Business Initiatives, Housing and Human Services, and Community as a Campus were part of the labor force whose objective was the beautification of Paseo Boricua.  

Additionally, the coordinators of the agricultural initiative started planting tomatoes, green peppers, cilantro, green onions, and other staples. These vegetables are necessary components that make up the famous organic Puerto Rican sofrito, which is sold at the Farmer’s Market every Thursday behind Clemente High School. This farmer’s market is scheduled to start soon. 

The Puerto Rican Cultural Center appreciates the time and effort of all its staff and volunteers, and Ald. Maldonado’s office staff, who selflessly donated their time during the Clean Up Day of Paseo Boricua.

By La Voz del Paseo Boricua

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