Presenting our BACCA Program to the Community


The Barrio, Arts, Culture, & Communications Academy (BACCA), por si no lo sabías, is a community-based after school program on Paseo Boricua.

The program was created in 2007 as an alternative way to reach Puerto Rican and Latina/o high school-aged youth in Humboldt Park. BACCA was also created to offer career skills to that population related to media and the arts as well as getting young people engaged in community activities.

BACCA’s five core group of students participate three days a week in classes of poetry, theater, civic engagement, and journalism. These courses are offered in order to build a successful future for our Latina/o youth within our community and to open up possibilities.

Throughout each week, we learn how to express ourselves, interact with our peers, and exercise our writing skills. Furthermore, we will be organizing community events and are currently producing a social marketing campaign on anti-underage drinking focused on alternative ways of dealing with the problems young people face.

You can find out more information about us by going to:

Kelvin Aponte, Corali Caro and Alexandra Mendoza

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