100 Most Influential Puerto Ricans Campaign


This past Saturday’s Puerto Rican Agenda meeting included a presentation from Dr. Alberto Hernandez on Hunter College’s campaign to identify the 100 Most Influential Puerto Ricans. Hunter College is seeking to archive the lives of Puerto Rican pioneers in all facets of society, including the arts, politics, business, and health. The archives will be placed at of the Centro de Estudios Puertoriqueños at Hunter College. Over 30 people attended the meeting, representing a cross section of Chicago’s Puerto Rican community including important local leaders such as Hilda Frontani, Mirta Ramirez, Roberto Medina and Ray Rubio.

If you would more information about the 100 Most Influential Puerto Ricans campaign or would like to nominate someone please contact Dr. Alberto Hernandez at [email protected] or contact Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños at Hunter College at 212-650-3673 or centropr.hunter.cuny.edu.

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