Centro Infantil Corretjer Graduates Call Forth Faith and Future of our Community

Last Friday, June 21, the Centro Infantil Consuelo Lee Corretjer proudly graduated 9 students at the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture (IPRAC). E’Lani J. Feliciano, José López IV, Joselene Dorantes, Josian Rodriguez, Julissa Arce, Kato Santos,Melanie Morales, Jovanny de la Onefre, Naime Vázquez and Oyukky Urichima celebrated by performing “Las vacas lobotomicas”, followed by teacher Maria Almanza reading the poem “Un Niño”  by ConsueloLee Tapia de Corretjer, the Puerto Rican poet, educator, pianist and independentist. This was followed by the graduates performing “We are one” and Alma Moreno, a teacher who started out as a parent volunteer and also a parent of two Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School graduates, read the English version of the poem “A Child”.
After the “Danza de Matlachines” PRCC Board Secretary Alejandro Luis Molina spoke, welcoming the parents on behalf of the PRCC and remembering Board member Irma Romero, who passed away on January 11 of this year. As well, he spoke about her daughter, CIC director Xóchitl Ramírez, also a Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School graduate, as examples of our faith in the future, and the Puerto RicanCultural Center’s and in particular, the Centro Infantil’s historical dedication to producing a generation of leaders, scholars, activists and parents that are helping to nurture “Nuestro Bello Barrio.


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