West Town Bikes and Ciclo Urbano Celebrate 5th Anniversary!


This past Saturday, May 3, West Town Bikes (WTB) and Ciclo Urbano celebrated it’s 5th anniversary on Paseo Boricua. The celebration included a ribbon cutting ceremony for it’s new fabrication studio that will offer job training in the field of metal arts. Welding and fabrication will take place in the new space along with creative manufacturing of bicycle related projects.

Along with the ribbon cutting WTB celebrated with the community with speeches by community leaders, including DSBDA Executive Director Eduardo Arocho, Hispanic Housing CEO Hipolito “Paul” Roldan, and PRCC Executive Director José E. López, thank you’s by local partners, and performances by cultural music groups, all part of a block party along Campbell St that included a barbeque for all in attendance. West Town Bikes has embraced the Humboldt Park community with bicycle education that includes traffic safety skills, bicycle mechanics and advocacy. Job training, professional development and local employment are only a few of the achievements that West Town Bikes has achieved over the past five years on Division St.

West Town Bikes is excited to continue to offer it’s alternative education and training skills in the years to come and will continue to deliver excellent opportunities to the youth of the Chicago neighborhoods.

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