Albizu Campos High School Students Visit Wagner Farm to Learn Historic Farming Practices


by Danette Sokacich

The Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Integrated Sciences and Social History of Parenting classes visited the Wagner Farm in Glenview, Illinois. It is an 18.6 acre historic farm from the 1920s and one of the last working dairy farms in Cook County. Wagner Farm is open to the public for recreation and learning, and provides a unique opportunity for families to learn about our farming heritage and experience first-hand “the way things used to be.”  The Integrated Sciences students explored milking cows and pulling plows, which highlighted the farm’s many crops and vegetation. They also engaged in other activities, from working a historic plow to prepping horses for work and making pretzels from scratch. The Social History of Parenting course participated with their children in “Moo-ving about the Farm”, a program that engaged the families with hands-on activities. The class met and interacted with the animals, ground corn to feed the chickens and pumped water for the cows, it even included making and sampling some homemade butter. This program and the transportation were generously supported by a grant from the Friends of Wagner Farm. For more information for school programs and grants, please visit:

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