Students at Albizu Campos are Mastering Mathematics on Khan Academy


by Diamond Montana,

Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican High School Many students in our community feel that they just aren’t good at math. They think intelligence is fixed, but it isn’t. The brain is like a muscle: the more you use it, the more it grows. To help our students realize they they can learn anything, our Escuelita is participating in LearnStorm. Screenshot 2016-06-08 10.15.50Powered by Khan Academy, LearnStorm is a nine-week challenge where students can earn recognition for themselves and their school by mastering math skills and building a growth mindset. Last week, our school had students received eight points for Mastery and 11 points for their Hustle. Students earn mastery points by mastering math skills at their level on Khan Academy. Hustle points are designed to reward students who push themselves to keep learning, no matter what their level. Students earn hustle points by taking on challenging skills and working hard to complete them. With our students’ hard work and us to encourage them, we can even receive a special trophy to commemorate our students’ achievement! Let’s go Puerto Rican High School! Albizu!! CAMPOS!! Students at Albizu Campos are Mastering Mathematics on Khan Academy.

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